Words Their Way Intermediate Spelling Inventory

Words Their Way Intermediate Spelling Inventory, a comprehensive tool for assessing spelling skills, provides educators with valuable insights into students’ spelling development. This inventory, grounded in solid theoretical foundations, offers a structured approach to identifying areas of strength and weakness, guiding targeted instruction and fostering spelling proficiency.

Delving into the inventory’s structure and content, we explore the different sections, examining the types of words included and providing examples. We delve into the administration and scoring procedures, discussing reliability and validity. The interpretation and use of the inventory results are thoroughly examined, highlighting its role in informing instruction and providing practical classroom applications.

1. Intermediate Spelling Inventory Overview

The Words Their Way Intermediate Spelling Inventory (ISI) is a diagnostic assessment tool designed to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses in spelling. It is intended for students in grades 4-6 and is based on the Words Their Way spelling development theory.

The ISI was developed by Dr. Patricia Cunningham and Dr. Dorothy Hall in the early 1990s. It was designed to provide teachers with a comprehensive understanding of students’ spelling abilities and to inform instructional planning.

The ISI is based on the premise that students develop spelling skills in a predictable sequence. This sequence is divided into six stages: emergent, letter name-alphabetic, within-word pattern, syllable juncture, derivational constancy, and orthographic choice.

2. Inventory Structure and Content

The ISI consists of three sections:

  • Section 1: Spelling Sort

This section assesses students’ ability to sort words into different categories based on their spelling patterns.

  • Section 2: Dictation

This section assesses students’ ability to spell words that are dictated to them.

  • Section 3: Word Analysis

This section assesses students’ ability to analyze words and identify their spelling patterns.

The words included in the ISI are drawn from a variety of sources, including high-frequency words, content-area vocabulary, and words that are commonly misspelled.

3. Administration and Scoring

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The ISI is typically administered individually to students. The examiner reads the instructions to the student and then dictates the words for the dictation section. The student writes the words on the answer sheet.

The ISI is scored by counting the number of words that the student spells correctly. The student’s score is then compared to the norms to determine their spelling level.

The ISI has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of spelling ability. It has been used in a variety of research studies and has been shown to be effective in identifying students who need additional support in spelling.

4. Interpretation and Use: Words Their Way Intermediate Spelling Inventory

Words their way intermediate spelling inventory

The ISI results can be used to interpret a student’s spelling strengths and weaknesses. The results can also be used to inform instructional planning.

For example, a student who scores low on the spelling sort section may need additional instruction on spelling patterns. A student who scores low on the dictation section may need additional practice with writing words.

The ISI can also be used to track students’ progress in spelling over time. By administering the ISI at regular intervals, teachers can monitor students’ progress and make adjustments to their instruction as needed.

5. Strengths and Limitations

Words their way intermediate spelling inventory

The ISI has a number of strengths, including:

  • It is based on a sound theoretical foundation.
  • It is a reliable and valid measure of spelling ability.
  • It is easy to administer and score.
  • It can be used to inform instructional planning.

However, the ISI also has some limitations, including:

  • It is time-consuming to administer.
  • It is not a comprehensive assessment of all spelling skills.
  • It may not be appropriate for all students.

6. Related Resources

The following resources can be used to supplement the information provided in this article:

FAQ Section

What is the purpose of the Words Their Way Intermediate Spelling Inventory?

The inventory assesses spelling skills, identifying areas of strength and weakness to inform targeted instruction and promote spelling proficiency.

How is the inventory administered?

The inventory is typically administered individually, with students reading and writing words aloud.

What are the strengths of the inventory?

The inventory is comprehensive, theoretically grounded, and provides practical guidance for instruction.

What are some limitations of the inventory?

The inventory may not be suitable for all students and may require additional resources for comprehensive assessment.

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